Looking Further
Hello! My name is Samantha McIntosh and here at Zen Den, it has become my mission to help others along their journey of healing. I firmly believe in the act of spreading knowledge and hope that by sharing my own understanding of the body, that others may assist in their own success stories. I am a graduate of East-West Healing Arts Institute in Madison, WI and I specialize in therapeutic, TMJ, and fire cupping massages. I am also a recent graduate of The Institute of Beauty and Wellness in Milwaukee, WI. I hold a massage and esthetician license and am certified as an Ayurvedic holistic consultant. My own personal journey revolves around slowly incorporating all of my training to offer a well-rounded form of holistic healing. I find passion not only in serving humankind but also in helping this planet. I was the Green Team leader while in school in Milwaukee and regularly make strong efforts to help lessen any negative impact I may have on the world around me. I am a lover of books and nature. I find beauty in the world around me and hope to show others the beauty of self-care.

rose of venus
This stunning example of sacred geometry can be recognized from my business logo! It is made when recording the movement of the planet of Venus, using Earth-centered perspective or, geocentricity, over a time period of almost exactly eight years. The five inward petals are created during Venus’s inferior conjunction, or when it passes between Earth and the Sun. The larger circular swings are from it’s superior conjunctions, or when Venus travels around the far side of the Sun in comparison to Earth. Each petal is formed when Venus moves through it’s 18 month cycle. Once five of these cycles are complete the planet ends where it began, starting a new “rose”. It is believed that while Venus travels in and out of retrograde the energy is focused on love of those around us and then turned inward to heighten our own self-love. Below is a link to a website that describes this process in more detail. Enjoy!
You may have noticed the seemingly random circle found on my business cards. This circle was purposely added due to the beautiful symbolism. This circle is called, Ensō, also known as; the Circle of Enlightenment, the Infinity Circle, or sometimes even, the Lost Symbol of Reiki. The two Kanji symbols that make up this word translates to, Circle of Togetherness or Mutual Circle. In ancient text, Zen is referred to as “circle of vast space, lacking nothing and holding nothing in excess”. The ensō symbol seems to depict this perfectly. This symbol has many meanings; the beginning and end of all things, emptiness or fullness, presence or absence, the inclusion of all things, or the excluding of things by boundaries. It is known to symbolize the moon, strength, elegance, and the universe. There is so much more to this symbol that just can’t fit into my simple website. I included a button below that will bring you to a more in-depth explanation that I merely scratched the surface of. I hope you enjoy the information as much as I did!